Warming Up Wellington with Sustainability Trust

When we put our heads together with a local like-minded social enterprise, good things started happening. Seasoned social enterprise Sustainability Trust saw an opportunity to work together to provide woollen blankets to Wellingtonians through their Warm Fuzzies initiative - and we’re so glad they did! Warm Fuzzies delivers subsidised heating and insulation to homes in deprivation zones, helping to ensure that no one is forced to live in a cold, damp home, leading to poor health outcomes.

What started with a Zoom call resulted in Sustainability Trust stocking CommonKind blankets online and in-store at their EcoShop in Wellington. Every blanket purchased through Sustainability Trust covers the cost of a second blanket to be distributed directly to the local community through Warm Fuzzies.

Plus, to meet the need in our community as winter set in, Sustainability Trust also made a direct order of woollen baby blankets from CommonKind. These blankets were supplied to families throughout the region through Well Homes, one of nine healthy housing initiatives under the Ministry of Health’s Rheumatic Fever Prevention Program.

Sustainability Trust CEO, Georgie Ferrari said, “Households who are grappling with multiple barriers deserve, at the very least, quality material and care, and CommonKind provides this with their sustainably sourced NZ wool blankets.”

Stack teal, orange and navy CommonKind blankets.

Our Co-Founder Kelly Olatunji said, “Wool is flame resistant and incredibly breathable which helps with temperature regulation during sleep, making it an ideal fibre for babies and children.” 

She added, “We’ve had an outstanding response from organisations looking to utilise wool in their projects to keep our community warm, however, textile design, sourcing and production isn’t necessarily their area. That’s where CommonKind can help.”

We’re excited to share more about projects and initiatives that are being woven from the synergy between our two social enterprises. There really is a flow on effect that comes from sharing warmth through kindness!


Winter Wellness Support from Manaaki Kapiti


In Conversation with a Children’s Nurse